Mysterious forces

The forces that dwell within, whispers gently... disguising as emotions: happiness, bliss, sadness, rage, fear, irritation, and some that I can't comprehend. They flow in like waves and I feed them. I feed them my time, my energy, my thoughts, and even my identity. I give them stories, stories of my past, my present, and also a possible future... give them faces of my friends, my lovers, and my enemies. I make an even bigger wave out of the one who had visited me and play them in a loop- tragedies of my past, arguments, ambitions, dreams, love affairs, regrets. In return, my emotions become stronger, more solid, engulfing me within- at times providing me with this fleeting satisfaction, other times just the heaviness in my chest. 

However, instead of entertaining them, if I just observe these sentiments... if I become conscious of them. Their visits become shorter. They just come and go like waves. 
These forces, where do they come from? where is their source and why wouldn't they stop? Does it generate within my body or does it come from outside? Why are we so sensitive to them? If we could trace their flow, I am curious as to just how it will shape.


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