A Wish come true
It was a heart's whisper, her silent wish. Only it took a dozen scars for one to realize its worth. It's strange what we have to go through just to realize what we truly desire, uncloak our feelings hidden beneath the deceptions we weave in, the lies we feed ourselves. This simple realization of our self and our needs, not only pulls us out of this endless circles of drama and troubles we constantly indulge in but also bring us the peace that we deserve. And the simple truth is that everything we ever need is all at this moment, but we have long ignored what was right in front of us. Simply being open to these moments, we are overcome by feelings of gratitude and joy as all the beautiful experiences gifted in these moments, transient may it be, are priceless. There arrived a time in her life when she reached there, in that place... life took her to that phase, after all the loses, countless disappointments and the long wait, a ray of happiness, a mirror worth fig...